• +974 5545 4723




Frequently Questions

What all types of products does Weaves and Strings Sell ?

We sell unique collections of pure silk sarees, fashionable party wear dresses and related accessories !

What are Cookies?

“Cookies” are little pieces of data we send when you visit our store. Cookies help us get to know you better and personalize your experience. Plus they help protect you and other shoppers from fraud.

Set your browser to accept cookies so you can buy items, save items, and receive customized recommendations. Here’s how:

How do I cancel my orders after I made a payment?

Contact the customer service with your Order number.

Is this a secure payment site ?

Yes this is a secure payment site. We use verified payment methods to process the transaction.

Where is My Order?

Your order will be delivered by the expected date specified on your order. The expected delivery date is the date on or before which you can reasonably expect the item to arrive at your preferred shipping address.

Do you provide us support when an issue arises?

Nedina takes care of its customers. If you have any issue, then kindly let us know.